Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I live for these moments. It's what gives me the inspiration to start the stories and how to finish them. But the middle is mostly slog. Sometimes a rewarding slog, but slog nonetheless. Today, I was thinking about where I was in the book and realized that I was was slowly but surely trying to write myself into a corner, or waste time on something that I wasn't ready to deal with. So, I decided to skip ahead and work on what my brain calls, "the next bit."

The next bit rocks, and I got all creative and shit ... I got excited about the book again, instead of giggling at what the characters were saying, I was having all these ideas of what to do next and then next oh and try to cram this in somewhere. That's how stories have their start in me, and, I suspect, in other writers.

But after the fun bits comes the hard part, the connecting point A to point B while laying the groundwork for point C. I guess that's what revision is for.

Anyway, I got distracted from my point. I may have better luck getting through this and finishing the book if I approach it as "write everything you want to on this bit. When you're done, move on to the next bit that interests you the most." And, hopefully, if I keep writing lots of lots of bits, then there won't be so much need for the deadly dull connecting. Maybe I'll just try it for a while and see how it feels.

Anything to keep this chain going.

1 comment:

Kamina said...

I don't approach it like that I just write every thought down all out of order, because my train-of-thought is not in the same format as a book. Then I end up cutting and pasting feeling like I don't know how to write the right way. If I did this would all make sense when I read over it. Now I see it wasn't a bad way of doing things after all. Breakthrough!